7 Characteristics of a Powerful Dental Marketing Message

To kick off this article, I would like to ask you an important question… What do you think makes the difference between dental marketing campaigns that generate 6 figures in revenue, and campaigns that don’t make any profit?
Put another way, why do some dental marketing campaigns crush it? While most face an uphill battle to make a profit?
What I’m about to share will answer this question. Which can be applied to any dental marketing campaigns that require prospects to take massive action.
What I’m referring to here is your message. Or, what I coin your “core message.”
What is a Core Message?
The core message is an idea, but not just any idea… It’s a big idea which can be wrapped around your dental service. With a core message, your dental marketing campaigns will drastically increase your number of patients.
The core message what is needed if you’re trying to stand out from other dental practices. And even more important if your marketing high priced dental services.
Dentists who understand this concept, who can develop it into their marketing—will end up making more sales and profit. It’s that simple.
The core message is a big idea that cuts through all the clutter. And when I say clutter, I’m referring to your competition.
What A Core Message isn’t …
You see, most of your competition isn’t using a core message in their dental marketing campaigns. In fact, without knowing it, they default to using “me too” marketing.
Me too marketing is common with businesses such as dentists, where the products or services are commoditized. Or when they are perceived by the market as the same or similar to the competition.
This can make it difficult for the market to separate one dentist from the others. So, with me too marketing you end up talking more about your “services” and less about what makes you different.
And even if you have a strong market share, with me too marketing, other dentists can take it from you. Your lack of differentiation means both you and your competitors are perceived the same by your market.
As a result, you could be forced to compete on price just to remain competitive. Which can make you vulnerable because another dental practice can come along and offer even lower prices than yours.
The Problem With Low Pricing in Dental Marketing Campaigns
With low-pricing, you attract people who are more interested in “cheap” than “quality.” So even though you’re offering high-quality services, these prospects are unlikely to appreciate the good dental work you offer.
This is why a core message is so important. It literally shines a spotlight on your business so that you stand out from all the other dentists. And attracts the right type of people to your practice.
The core message literally forces those who see it to stop, take notice, and take action.
This is a valuable asset to have in today’s dental marketplace, where your prospects are smarter, more diligent, and more likely to shop around before choosing a dentist.
7 Characteristics of a Dental Marketing Core Message
Now, I will try to give a better understanding of a core message, and make the idea more concrete to you. Here are 7 of the main characteristics that make a compelling core message.
1. Present Something New In Your Dental Marketing Campaigns
If you want to cut through the clutter in other dental marketing, present something new to your market.
The key to this is the novelty factor. Neuroscientists say novelty promotes information transmission. Our mind seems to gravitate towards novelty. Not only does a novel experience seem to capture our attention, but it’s also an essential need of the mind. Novel means unknown, and what is unknown demands the attention of our brain. Once the new thing is known and understood, then we look to find another unknown to master. In order to sustain your website visitor’s attention, you need to present novelty.
It could be about a new technology or a new way to get the desired result. It can be an unknown dental method that prevents a well-known problem. Or it can be a common breakthrough in the way the treatment is performed. Ultimately, it should offer new value in a way your prospects haven’t seen or been aware of before.
2. Be Unique
For your dental marketing core message to be as powerful as possible, it should be unique. Our brain is wired to detect contrast. You’ve got to differentiate yourself from your competitors. The strongest dental marketing campaigns are the ones that eliminate your prospects biggest pain.
Unless your product or service is totally unique, you must understand how you are different. Remember, your prospects are searching to understand why they should choose you over other dentists. Make their decision easier, by providing a unique core message.
3. Feel Original
The most powerful core message will feel original, as though it’s something nobody has ever shared with your prospect before.
Think about it … people love to learn about the secret celebrity technique for whiter teeth or a hidden discovery that most people don’t know about.
Your prospects should feel a sense of superiority because of what they’ve discovered in your core message. Which is a better, faster or more efficient way of achieving their desired outcome.
Sometimes it’s not easy to be original. Sometimes you’ll have to develop a unique twist or take a different angle to what your competition are taking. But as long as your prospects haven’t already seen your core message presented in the same way, then it will feel original to them.
4. Prospect Focused
Ultimately, your core message isn’t about your product or service. As I mentioned earlier, the common theme with “me too marketing” is the product/service centricity.
The core message is about your prospects. It’s about meeting their needs and enhancing their quality of life. To really make sure your core message is focused on your prospects, you first need to understand the reasons for wanting their dental treatment in the first place.
The most important knowledge you can gain when it relates to your dental marketing campaigns, is to truly understand your target prospects.
The more you understand them, the less “salesy” you need to be. Why? Because your marketing communication will resonate much better and they will feel as though you understand their needs.
5. Supported By Proof
Proof isn’t absolutely necessary to have in your core message, but having it certainly makes it more powerful.
The proof you’ll use can come from many different sources. It could come from the results you’ve achieved with other patients as before and after photos. Or it could be supported by scientific evidence or research studies. Its purpose is to add credibility and a believability factor to your core message.
6. Easy To Explain
Your core message must be easy for you to explain, and even easier for your prospects to grasp. This is important because these days, everybody is overloaded and overwhelmed. In order to break through the mental fog in your prospects’ mind, it’s got to be easy and simple to grasp.
7. Better, Faster, Cheaper, or More Certain
The goal of your core message is to make choosing your service a foregone conclusion. The core message should reinforce in your prospects’ mind that the desired result will be different, faster, better value for money, or more certain to succeed than the alternatives. The more of these you can cover in your core message the better.
This way, your dental services really become the default choice, and your prospects would be crazy to pass up on what you’re offering.
What I’ve discussed here will make all the difference when trying to stand out in your market, attracting more prospects and converting more visitors into patients from your website. It may seem like hard work—but it’s not. The choice is simple. Decide today that you want better marketing and take action. Or remain the same as your competition and find that getting more patients from your marketing campaigns a struggle.